Tag Archives: Treemap

Canadian Securities Administrators – Disciplined Persons

Playing around from where I left off last time, the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) – Disciplined Persons site has loads of information available about disciplined registrants (those registered with securities commissions in one of the 10 provinces and 3 territories within Canada and licensed to sell to and advise Canadians in regards to securities products).

The data goes back a bunch of years, but short of ‘hunting-and-pecking’, name-by-name, the site does not give any overviews on what is going on with ‘Disciplined Persons’. Aggregating the data using a Ruby crawler and “R” to graph the result offers a better view.

Here’s a Treemap showing disciplinary orders issued by various provincial commissions\court:

Disciplined Persons


The next Treemap shows the aggregate data for the penalties meted out by Canadian securities regulators and courts in connection with orders relating securities regulations infractions :

CSA Penalties

Take special note of 41 disciplined-persons penalized with imprisonment!


Here’s the code to crawl the data:

require 'nokogiri'
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
browser.goto 'https://www.securities-administrators.ca/disciplinedpersons.aspx?id=74'
seen = Array.new
('A'..'Z').each do |letter|
browser.link(:text => letter).click
 browser.table(:id => 'ctl00_bodyContent_gv_list').wait_until_present
loop do
 table_Rows = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_gv_list').rows.length
for i in 1..table_Rows.to_i-1 
 name = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_gv_list')[i][0].text
 date_of_order = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_gv_list')[i][1].text
 browser.link(:text, name).click
 browser.span(:id => 'ctl00_bodyContent_lbl_persondetail').wait_until_present
discipline_table_Rows = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1').rows.length
 for t in 0..discipline_table_Rows.to_i - 1
 doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(browser.html)
 t_child = t.to_i + 1
 if t < 1 && discipline_table_Rows < 2 ### Only one finding ###
 date_of_order = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1 > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td').text
 $regulator = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1').span(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl00_lbl_juridiction').div.text
 payment = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl00_tr_SanctionList+ tr td').text
 sanctions = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl00_lbl_sanction div').text
 violations = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl00_lbl_violation div').text
 elsif t < 2 ### More than one finding ###
 date_of_order = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1 > tbody > tr:nth-child('+t_child.to_s+') > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td').text
 $regulator = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1').span(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl00_lbl_juridiction').div(:class, 'sectiontitle').text
 payment = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_tr_SanctionList+ tr td').text
 sanctions = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_lbl_sanction div').text
 violations = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_lbl_violation div').text
 date_of_order = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1 > tbody > tr:nth-child('+t_child.to_s+') > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td').text
 if browser.table(:id   

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, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1').span(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_lbl_juridiction').div(:class, 'sectiontitle').exists? $regulator = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1').span(:id

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, 'ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_lbl_juridiction').div(:class, 'sectiontitle').text else end payment = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_tr_SanctionList+ tr td').text sanctions = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_lbl_sanction div').text violations = doc.css('#ctl00_bodyContent_DataList1_ctl0'+t.to_s+'_lbl_violation div').text end if (seen).include?("#{name}\t#{t}\t#{date_of_order.strip()}\t#{$regulator}\t#{payment.strip()}\t#{sanctions}\t#{violations}") else puts "#{name}\t#{t}\t#{date_of_order.strip()}\t#{$regulator}\t#{payment.strip()}\t#{sanctions}\t#{violations}" end seen << "#{name}\t#{t}\t#{date_of_order.strip()}\t#{$regulator}\t#{payment.strip()}\t#{sanctions}\t#{violations}" end

 browser.span(:id => 'ctl00_bodyContent_lbl_browse').wait_until_present
break if browser.div(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_pnl_pager_top').text !~ /\d+\.\.\./
 browser.link(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_lbtnNext').click
 sleep (2)
 browser.table(:id => 'ctl00_bodyContent_gv_list').wait_until_present


Compliance Graphing with “R” – Part II – CSA Registrants

Previously I had experimented with grabbing data from FINRA BrokerCheck and graphing output with “R”.

This time around the task was to strip data from the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) – National Registration Database (“NRD”) which lists all Canadian registrants and to create a Treemap to graphically represent the CSA registrants for a group of entities belonging to a Financial Institution.
BMO FG - CSA Registrants by Entity


The CSA Registrant data was collected using the following Ruby script:

require 'nokogiri'
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
browser.goto 'https://www.securities-administrators.ca/nrs/nrsearch.aspx?id=850'
browser.text_field(:name => 'ctl00$bodyContent$txtFirmName').set 'BMO'
 browser.input(:name => 'ctl00$bodyContent$ibtnSearch').click


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, 'ctl00$bodyContent$list_num_per_page').select_value("100") sleep 10 loop do table_Rows = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_gvIndividuals').rows.length for i in 2..table_Rows.to_i-1 name = browser.table(:id , 'ctl00_bodyContent_gvIndividuals')[i][0].text firm = browser.table(:id, 'ctl00_bodyContent_gvIndividuals')[i][1].text if firm =~ /BMO/ && firm !~ /\(INDIVIDUAL NO LONGER REGISTERED\)/ puts "#{name}\t#{firm}" end end browser.link(:id => 'ctl00_bodyContent_lbtnNext2').click sleep 10 end

Compliance Graphing with “R” – FINRA Registrants

Previously I had experimented with grabbing data from FINRA BrokerCheck and more recently I have been playing “R” and experimenting with generating graphs.

The task was to create the following Treemap using the data from BrokerCheck to represent FINRA registrants within a family of entities belonging to a Financial Institution.

FINRA Registrants by Entity


I think the Treemap does an effective job of summarizing this data



, and I am keen to explore the graphing capabilities of “R“.